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ICAR is developing e -market to establish direct contact between farmers and consumers

ICAR is developing e- market  named as under central government to establish direct contact between farmers and consumers removing the middle man. 

ICAR developing for direct contact between farmers and consumers. 
Indian Council of agriculture ICAR at ATARI Bengaluru is working on a project aimed at developing an online platform named as kisankart.Online between to establish direct contact farmers, agriprenures and consumers. 

It is an approach to create a platform where farmer or agripreneures can sell their products directly to consumers removing the middle man from the agriculture market chain. 

What are the purpose and Objectives of Devloping this kisankart.Online E-Commerce platform ? Why it is needed? 

  1. To establish direct contact between farmers and consumers. 
  2.  To remove middle mans as much us possible from the market supply chain. 
  3.  This will help farmer to earn more profit out of their produce . 
  4. Also, It will benifit consumers as they will get products at less prices than market as the Comission of middle mans can be removed. 
  5.  It will bring  great revolution in agriculture sector of India as it will directly benifit the Indian farmers by increasing their income. 
  6.  It will save farmers from exploitation of middle mans as they can sell their products at more fair prices directly to consumers. 
  7. This will boost and strengthen the Indian agriculture economy by smoothing the functioning of market ,ease the transaction process, increase transparency in market between farmers and consumers. 
  8. This will reduce the frauds and spams that farmers and consumers face every day in market as it will be fully operated under ICAR, ATARI, KVKs and central government. 
  9. It will boost the rural economy and promote local agri products and agri businesses. 

  1. This E-Commerce platform will create new job and business opportunities for both rural and urban population in their respective fields from agriculture to marketing and transportation etc. 
How is model will work. 

  1. It will work in integration with various kVKs in our country. 
  2. On this portal local agriculture products will be  displayed  and listed from where consumers can buy them. 
  3. Every KVKs will have separate market place where local agri products will be showcased on their portal. 
  4. This platform will also be provided with secured payment gateways for simple and easy transactions to buy products and make payment instantly. 
  5. Consumer will get access to various ranges of agri  products like fruits, vegetables ,flowers , oils, Spice , cereals, millets, Honey , mushrooms and their by products through this E-Commerce platform. 
  6. Farmers could also be able to buy agri inputs like Bio formulation, seeds, fertilizers, micronutrients and hand tools and implements through this portal. 
Branding of Products :

Venkatesh Subramaniam said every product sold on this E-Commerce platform will be sold under brand name as "Kisan Samriddhi ". 
Consumer will also get access to buy products coming under one district one product scheme and GI tagged products from various States. 

Where and who is developing this e- commerce portal. 

This E-Commerce portal is developing under the vision of Central Government .
ICAR Indian Council of agriculture research under which ATARI Agriculture Technology of Application and Research Institute is developing this and it's accepted to start this year in August . 

There are 731 KVKs in our country which will ensure its smooth functioning under ICAR and ATARI so that the vision and goal of strengthening, benefiting, farmer and consumer can be achieve also these kvks will provide help  to farmers so that they can adopt this new technology and learning new skill of production, farm management, processing etc so that they can increase their income and reduce cost of production and reduce in post harvest losses . This e- commerce platform will boost agriculture market, increase farming income ,boost agri businesses and promote local products GI tagged products ,one district one product and strength agriculture market and over all agriculture economy. 


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